Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's okay I ran today

  I had a difficult couple of days. Especially today when I found someone had decided to sabotage my only transportation by flattening my tires. I was feeling crappy about it, frustrated..maybe a little bitter. But then I decided to take back control: I fixed my tires then laced up my running shoes and went for a run. 
  As I ran the entire incident just disappeared from my mind. My feet guided me over to Bryan Park and I ran over the grass and just took in the sweetness of the day. I felt better. Better than better. GREAT!

People can't hurt you if you decide not to accept the hurt. I am going to keep doing what makes me happy, fulfilled and feeling good. Run. Best decision you will make all day!

Love. Whirled peas. No problem. I am not choosing to accept this negativity. I toss it to the winds and let it get swept away. The only person this is going to hurt is whoever chose to do this to me because they must be having an awful life to feel this angry. I deflect it like a mirror. I choose happiness. I choose to run.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rockford Half Marathon

     I had signed up to do the Rockford Half Marathon a few months ago. I wanted to do this one primarily as it was in the region where much of my family was so it could possibly involve a family cheering opportunity. I had been very excited about it. When I ran the last DINO race and irritated the fascia on my heel I was worried I could not do it. I switched down to the 10K and then got ready to go see my family.
   The trip up was good. The friend I was traveling with was a good companion and we had a nice time on the trip. I got to my aunt's house and spent the night with her. I had heard my mother was unwell and had been placed in the hospital so she was not able to make my race. I felt grateful, though, that I was already up there so I  could spend some time on Saturday up in Madison with my mom. I don't always get to see her when she is unwell due to travel difficulties. She will be alright though...just needed some extra help. We had a very nice visit too. Drew pictures together and talked a little. She was happy I was doing the race and I said I would make a picture of me at the finish line for her.

         My mom has always been my biggest fan!

I was up in Madison overnight and then my aunts got up at the crack of dawn to get me down to Rockford for the race. I decided on the way down to switch from the 10K to the Half Marathon distance. I figured that if I did the heart rate training and took my time I would do alright. I also now know that I can DNF if need be so I thought I would rather try to do the big race I had intended to then get to the end of the 10K and feel I could have done a few more miles.

Since the 10K didn't start until 7:15 but the Half started at 7am we cut it a bit close so I hustled over to the packet pickup and exchanged bibs, hit the bathroom and jogged to the starting line.

      I had the pre-race jitters. Ready to get moving! I had also downed a 5 hour energy shot so that was working it's way through my system. My heart rate is supposed to be 135 and under on the Maffetone training but I went ahead and added a few points due to race jitters and the 5 hour energy so I tried to keep it 143 and below. We started out and I went fact for the first mile or so I walked a lot of it. I had to keep my competitive edge toned down as I saw people passing me by and think "long-term...long term...i want to be able to do this for a long my foot.....chill" And actually it wasn't too hard to relax. I had a nice time just getting to see Rockford. I hadn't spent much time there that I remember. It's a very nice town.
    It was a very well-run race too. Some points I really remember:   The icy cold sponges they passed out at mile 10; the ice chips at one of the aid stations; the guy on a bike handing out strawberry banana gu's; the awesome volunteers; the pretty course.
   I met some people along the course too....that's what happens when you are not doing it for speed. You can take some time to get to know your neighbors. I saw an older guy just chugging along and he had a sign on his back that said "1,000 Marathon Larry". He had a Marathon Maniacs hat on so I said I knew Jen and he said he knew her too! I said she was a great runner. I met one lady who was starting to bonk around mile 6 so i gave her my last Gu so she had some nutrition. Then I was glad when the gu guy came around and gave me one at mile 9 when I was getting tired. My body felt pretty good. At mile 8 or 9 my right quadricep started to cramp a little. I took another salt tablet as I was probably sweating out all my electrolytes. I had taken two before the race but figured I would just go ahead and take another one. I met a guy who had run the Eagle Creek marathon. He said "you picked a heck of a race to be your first marathon!"

   And when I came to the finish line there was my Aunt Donna aiming her phone at me, Aunt Gay with her camera, Aunt Melissa and my cousins Grace and Emily just cheering away for me! I felt like a million bucks to accomplish this with my family there! I ran up and hugged all of them in succession and then hugged a lady standing near them just cause i was that happy. Then over the finish line and Done! Yay! Did the whole length, no pain, had fun and finished strong!


Friday, May 10, 2013

Let go of expectations: Rockford Half


    I have decided to go ahead and do the Rockford Half next weekend. It is the only one that my mom will be able to attend I think. Also much of my long-distance family can make it.  However before I alienate everyone who loves me with what you may view as a reckless choice of action let me tell you what is different.
   I am going to let go of expectations. This will be a "training walk" to start working on further training. I let go of expectations that my foot will feel great the whole way, everything will be magic and rainbows and I will end up doing a PR and surprise myself and everyone else. That is a movie ending in some coming-of-age and overcoming obstacles Hallmark channel movie. Life doesn't work like that. 
                                       "Hope for the best but expect the worst"

   So I will take the approach of toeing the line at the starting line and hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I will remember the good advice I have not taken from my good friends and listen to myself, not run through pain, and remember the bigger goal of Flatrock and not sabotage myself for the sake of a less important race. 
    Let go. Let go. Let go. And remember no one will think poorly of me for having to DNF should it come to that. They will be happy I am paying attention to body signals. I have proven to myself that I am capable of incredible things when I work hard for them. I have nothing to prove. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

..........patience Prudence..........

        I keep telling myself to have patience. What is patience? I believe it is the above remark. To have patience is to realize everything is not in my total control. I must have patience with myself most of all. I must realize that although I am not doing things right now doesn't mean I will never do them but if I push a square peg into a round hole I could end up never getting to do the things I dream of.
       Sometimes you just can't push and shove and get what you want when you want it. That's okay. I have been patient before and I can do it again. Life is a beautiful thing when you let go. Breathe. Enjoy the things around you every day and don't dwell on what you cannot do because all of us are capable of great long as we take the time to do them well.
    I can have the things I want.....eventually. I can do the things I want..eventually. And meantime...i have so much to do and look forward to. I'm getting a new Yobe which is a spin disk that I can whip around and it is a great upper arm workout plus WAY FUN!
    Patience Prudence. Things will happen when they happen. Take the right steps. Count each little victory as it comes.And treat myself gently like I would any good friend. PLUS it gives me an excuse to be there for my spectacular friends who are doing such amazing things! What a great gift to get to be a part of that!

I am looking forward to next week when I work the Dances with Dirt race. Yes I don't get to run the half like I wanted BUT I can be there for my friends who are doing it and I can jump, cheer and be a fool for them to help them accomplish their goals! Go Go Runners!