Monday, February 17, 2014

What I learned running fifty miles in three days

   In training for the Land Between the Lakes 60K trail race I had a big weekend of running. This was my peak weekend to prep for the race. I had to run 10 miles on Friday, 25 on Saturday and 15 on Sunday. On Friday I got in my 10 miles in early as I had two clients to see that day. I got up at 6am and went out, ran and then came back and got ready for work.
  That afternoon it started snowing....a lot. I stood there at the grocery store and looked out the window with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I would have to navigate 25 miles around town in the snow. I immediately thought of the fun route I had mapped out for that day and pitched it. bummer. I would have to run on the safest streets I could which meant a lot of back and forth on town streets with bike lanes and such so I planned out another route and the next morning got up and hit it. I did not wear my yaktrax as I had broken them last weekend on a piece of carpet ( I know it's weird--little spring got caught on the carpet and broke the rubber part in half.) 
    I got through that run and wow. I had stomach trouble. BAD! I thought back and knew the only new thing I had done was drink an unknown energy drink I had not had before. Perhaps that had made me sick. I stayed in bed for awhile, felt better and went up with my friend to a nighttime trail race we were volunteering at and my stomach was okay. I couldn't sleep Saturday night after I got home so at 5:30 am (just 2 hours later) I got up and went out and hit my last 15. Then I was sick again. I believe I had some bad ideas during this training block but I learned and that is what training runs are for.

Things I learned:

1. Energy drinks can be powerful so use them sparingly or not at all.
2. Definitely don't try a new kind of energy drink or food when doing a very long run.
3. Eat simply. I was better on oatmeal with chia, eggs and other plain foods for my running fuel.
4. When I run a long way it is better for me to relax my shoulders and arms and not hold them in a particular pose. My right deltoid started aching and so when I shook out and then ran with my arms in a more relaxed posture at my side the achiness went away immediately.
5. I have many emotions when I am running. I used to judge myself when I felt emotions I perceived as negative while I was running. "You must NOT like running because look how sad/angry/worried you are." But now...I ran at least 10 hours or so in those three days. I am  NOT going to spend 10+ hours  all being happy. That would be ridiculous to expect! I embrace the emotions whatever they are. They are feelings and feelings are okay even when I was feeling angry or touching on some sad thoughts I knew I STILL loved running and that is was just that that was keeping me aiming for the light.
6. I will come up with the most spectacular ideas while running. My dreams will be in prophetic Technicolor, I will invent things and solve the mysteries of the universe and it will all disappear the moment I get home. Sigh.
7. I feel the kinship with my running friends every time I run. Even though they are not with me they are still THERE. I think about the runs/races and things they are doing and look for them in every other runner I see.

Most important thing I learned: I can run 50 miles in three days and feel just fine!