Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Taper time:Third Marathon

    Taper time: I have trained as much as I can. Now it is time to let my muscles rest/rebuild and get ready for the stress of running 26.2 miles of trails in a week and a half. I feel pretty good about it.This year has been way different than last year. Partly because I have been training mostly by myself. Occasionally have had some awesome runs with others...some great trail runs! And a good 20 miler with my friend Christy that helped me not only physically but the extra important mental boost. So the difference this year has been I have had to check in with myself on how I am handling the training as I haven't had others around to get a lot of feedback from. In a way that has been good for me but it makes it a little more stressful going into the big day. But it will happen. I will finish. Barring some injury I can't foresee I am sure I can do it.
   People say you run the first half of a marathon with your legs and the second part with your heart. I also will include the mind in that. I think anyone who runs distance can tell you that getting your mind in the right place can be the key to a good or difficult race. If you have trained the body well than it can go the distance. It might hurt some, be difficult in spots but the body can accomplish it. But if you go into it with a bad attitude or bad mental state you will be putting more pressure on yourself and it can be a very long 26.2 with lots of arguments with your inner critics. Spending time arguing with those pesky naysayers in your head can be exhausting and already a marathon is by definition exhausting.
   So during this taper period I will be reviewing my mental and emotional state as well as resting physically. I have a good book to read; I have started a new art piece to work on; I will remember I am loved, wanted, needed and surrounded by goodness. I will trust that I am safe and sound. I will try to get good rest, eat good food and engage in daily laughter therapy. I will hunt down those bad thoughts in my head and hard feelings in my heart and slay them with positive energy and the light of love.
    I will have patience...with myself, with the people around me and remember I am not in total control. Just prepare the best I can and wait.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


 I got up at 4:30 this morning. It was still pitch dark. I had a 20ish mile run on my docket to do this morning so I had gone to sleep very early so I could start running very early. I had my coffee, a little breakfast and took off in the dark. I had my headlamp. Here is a picture of the B-line bridge soon after I started. I had some new podcasts on my mp3 player but decided not to play them while it was dark out so I could be alert. Also not play the  ones about ghosts until it was light outside. I was already kind of nervous in the darkness.

 The town was dark and quiet as I ran through the streets. It felt like I was the only one awake...maybe I was. I soon was able to ditch my headlamp after this point as light began to rise in the sky.  I ran on campus and up through the arboretum. It was a perfect temperature this morning...just cool enough to be comfy and no humidity.

      When I got to Griffy the woods were dark still but alive with noise. As I ran I saw two screech owls alight on a branch. They were big...either fighting or getting ready to mate I couldn't tell which. They flew on before I could snap a picture though. I thought I might have heard a deer in there too but couldn't see at that point.

 I just have always liked this mailbox that looks like a tractor. Someone spent a lot of time on it! It is interesting to see what kind of things people do. I got a text here from a friend asking how much more I had to do and I said I was going to run up to Old State Road 37 and turn around. What I ended up doing instead was getting to Old State Road 37 and decided to run along the road down to cascades park and then take that back. 
      Here was the scene as I got to the causeway of what had formerly been lake Griffy but now was Meadow Griffy after they drained it. Very you can see the mist coming up off the ground.

I love the peace I feel out at griffy. It is just so joyous to be in the presence of natural beauty and be all alone in it. I decided now I could put on my podcasts. I started listening to one called Mysteries Abound which I had 4 different segments of it. It is all about ghosts, mysteries and paranormal things with some factoids thrown in how we spend a total of 2% of our day with our eyes closed due to blinking.

Here is a church that I find at the end of Hinkle road when I turned onto Bethel lane. I always liked the look of this little church. It has a graveyard as well. I just think it looks so country-fied. I am also a sucker for old things. I was feeling good physically too.

1. My heel wasn't hurting
2. My heartrate was staying in range without me having to slow down too much which means i was running efficiently.
3. It was so nice and cool I didn't feel overheated
4. I had made sure to bring my hydration pack so I had a liter and a half or water. I hydrated often.
5. Here I decided to take some calories in with a shot blok.

                                                                                                              I always take  a picture of this barn. It looked so picturesque this morning. I was at this point also listening to Trail Runner Nation podcast which I was all about "Why people run". I know why I run. It makes me feel happy!!
 Here are some lovely flowers I found along the roadway. The first ones of course are of my favorite flowers after roses. The one on the right I am not sure what kind they are but I love purple!

 I got down to cascades a little after 8:15. By now I had been running for 3 hours. WOW! I love this ballpark. It is a nice one...and all surrounded by trees. Some day I will catch a game here. I like baseball.

8:30am: double espresso break. I was getting tired so I decided to use a caffeine pick-me-up to get me through the next hour or so of running. Double espresso...I don't mess with the syrupy messes or caramel stuff. I would rather eat my calories rather than drinking them. And I LOVE espresso!

So after that brief break I continued on down the street to catch the B-line again. I had had a Molly Ables spotting pre-Sbux so that was a pick me up as well. I felt like I got a *third?* wind so was feeling active and energetic again. I think besides the coffee it was also the realization that I had conquered already a very hefty distance of running and was still feeling okay. I LOVE that feeling!! So empowering! After a big long run I feel like I could do anything I put my mind to.

9:00 am: Got to Rail Trail to start the final leg of my journey. It was heating up a bit more now so it was nice to be in a covered and shaded environment. By now my legs were tired but not hurting so that was good. I was listening to a podcast now about weird Australian monsters that was recorded in Brisbane, Australia. I reminded myself to tell my friend Jan, who lives there, about it. I had another friend sighting at this point: Shelly and Mariluz who gave me a high five as we passed each other.

And now I arrived at the pretty Church Lane bridge. I love this old bridge. It is so picturesque. I snapped a picture and then turned to go down the Clear Creek trail. I wanted to stay in the shade but running a leg of Clear Creek was part of my plan and I am pretty serious about my plans when it's an important run.
  I ran down Clear Creek to Rockport road and turned around. A weird thing had happened at this leg of the run: I had stopped feeling my legs. They were numb like someone had pumped them full of novacaine and my torso was just kind of floating along. Weirdness. It didn't worry me....just felt unusual. I guess by now I was getting pretty darn tired. It was 9:30 by the time I turned around. I had been running now for 4 hours straight.

SO That's the whole run! I finished 23 miles in 4:41 something. I got home, made more coffee, showered, iced my knees and now am prepped to get my trekking class written out and done. I feel like a superhero for running all that way!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Trying to keep a cool head when the competition is heating up

  Qdoba DINO Trail Run Series



Rank Name
Age #1 #2 #3 #4 bonus #5 #6 #7 TOTAL
1 Kara Egan 25 to 29 200 200 200

2 Katy Goggin 30 to 34 184 196 196

3 Heather Lake 40 to 44 174 193 186


    I ran the Brown County DINO race today. It was a great run. I felt so strong on the hills I know that hill training has paid off and there were long stretches where I felt like I was flying! I found out today that I am third in the DINO series for overall female. Last year I got that place and it meant a lot to me. So I would like to get that place again.
   The only place really in my sport of trail running I am competitive is at the DINO races and I think that is because since the beginning of my running of them some kind of benign spirit has helped me to do very well at them! It surprised me being a new runner and all so here is where I let myself get out all the competitive stuff that I don't feel anywhere else.
Highlights of the race: As you can see VERY muddy. It was raining lightly when we started and it was total mud from first to last. I thought it was funny when people were tiptoeing around on the mud. are going to be doing this for an hour at least. Give it up and just get muddy!
   I was running for awhile with a very strong female runner who ended up placing in her age group, which was one up from mine, and she was FAST! I was really proud of myself that I could keep up with her because I felt like it was a 10 minute pace or below. Then at the water stop I passed her by and didn't see her again.
   The HILLS. WOW. I felt so strong on those hills it really surprised me. It was hard but not awful. And there were long stretches of run-able trail...besides the mud which didn't faze me (I had tied my laces really tight. There were at least 3 people I saw lose shoes to the mud) I felt like on those stretches I could possibly have hit a 9 minute pace.
   I finished it in 1:33:41 and the course WAS long (10 miles instead of 9.3) so it really was a successful run. Here is where I need to make a distinction. My feeling kind of bad about getting fifth place is NOT being ungrateful that I can run at all or being upset at the women who did place before me because they were tough, fast runners and they worked hard and deserved to place where they did. It is more of a disappointment in my performance. I can be extremely hard on myself sometimes. I DID a GREAT run. I had a good time, felt great the whole way, gave it my very best and finished only 5 minutes slower than last year and last year didn't have the mud to slog through.
   AND I still have 4 more races to go to keep my slot on the results. I can drop my worst time so if it is this one then I still have chances to get 1st, 2nd or 3rd and then can keep my place. And if I don't place in the series standings then I need to be easy on myself and feel good that I do as well as I do! Starting running at the late-in-the-day way I did.....past 40....I should probably not even be doing as well as I am.

Post race feast:  Sweet potato fries, avocado, stir fry with hamburger, peppers, shaved almonds and mushrooms. EXCELLENT!!!