Saturday, November 22, 2014

My training run: Testing nutrition, pacing and gear.

          Training runs are very important when getting ready for a race. It is important to work out the details of you race beforehand so that on race day you are not testing things like what/how you eat, hydrate and what gear will work for it. They always say "No new thing on race day."  It means you should be used to your shoes, clothing, hydration gear and what is okay with your digestive system to consume on very long runs. 
        I took a training run today. I had it down as 23 miles this morning. I got in 24 so not a big difference. I wanted to test once more using only Vespa and Tailwind to do a long run with. I ate a good breakfast, waited then took the Vespa and started out. I had brought a Ugo Ultra bar with me and two gels. The reasoning was that the last time I was unable to go more than two hours without something to eat when I was running. I feel great with only Tailwind and the Vespa for about two hours or so and then start to feel like my blood sugar is dropping and start that "tired runner lean" where I am just feeling run down. I eat a Gu or something (even I like natural fruit rollups and swedish fish) and I feel better and have more energy. The Tailwind, I think, helps me to not be as hungry as quickly and I think it definitely adds to my performance on a long run keeping my pace more regular for a longer time before I get too hungry and feel more worn down.
    The weather was great! 52 or so before I got done, I ran in a T-shirt, capris and some arm sleeves. I had a longer shirt on earlier but when it warmed up (very quickly on) I took it off and stowed it in my hydration pack. I ran all over. I had a 21 mile or so route and then I added a bit more onto it. It took me up Smith road and then the highway over to Dunn road and over to Cascades plus a bunch of stuff in town. 
       When you are wearing a hydration vest and everything you have to get over yourself and not care if people stare. I have long since gotten over the feelings of self-consciousness about it. I go into the stores, gas stations, restaurants and anywhere else i need to go (even have gone into the mall and Target). If people stare I just tell myself that 2 minutes later they won't care and will be on to their own problems and situations. It is a relief to realize I am unimportant because then I can get down to the business of my training.

      I ran along Smith road. The only problem with some of the roads is that they don't have sidewalks so it is a constant game of "run to this side of road, run to that side of road, car coming over to the side...." which can be kind of a pain. It is better to get these roads done early in the morning so that the traffic isn't as bad but I had slept in and didn't get going until after 8am so the traffic was getting busier by then. Dunn road was the same. I ran in a field for a bit to just get off the road but the surface wasn't ideal. 
      I felt good. I was feeling upbeat, nothing was sore or hurting even though I had a very active week and it went great. I blasted the Blerch (have to read the Oatmeal's blog about running to get this joke) and got my 24 miles in. 
   Now I start a taper for my 50K in a little over two weeks. Bring on the trails!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A sunday run in pictures

            I started out to take a long training run today and saw some nice photo opportunities along the way. So since it has been awhile since I did a photo journal post here are some pictures I took of my run today. Above is Beck Chapel on campus. It is pretty old and very pretty and I have seen two friends married there.  Alongside it, although I didn't get a photo of it, is a small graveyard that has some extremely old headstones in it.
           I ran on campus and through town for awhile. The next photo with the gorgeous red trees is along the student family housing. There was a whole row of them. 

This is a photo of the rail trail. It's getting sparse out there....sad to say goodbye to the leaves for a few months.
Here I found a bit of green along the Clear Creek Trail. I kind of let it soak in.
The last photo I took was of the creek running under the big red bridge. It was very pretty in the sunlight. 

Things I liked but couldn't get a photo of:

1. Bunches of blue jays at one point on the trail
2. A downy woodpecker
3. A cardinal in a berry bush
4. A KFC sign that said "Loaded Potatoe Bowl"  which was funny since Potato has no e.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Race Report: Tecumseh Marathon 2014

          Tecumseh Trail Marathon 2014

    I don't usually wait this long to do a race report but this week has been busy and so I am just finally getting around to it. 
   Tecumseh last weekend was wonderful! I don't know how to describe it better than that. I first ran Tecumseh in 2012 and the weather then was perfect just like it was at this race. The temperature was mild enough I was comfy in my shorts and singlet for most of the race. 
    I got to work packet pickup the night before which was so fun! I saw so many friends and it was like a big trail runner party and I met some new friends too. I also like hanging out with the DINO people. They are a nice group. I was able to get a ride home so got to bed fairly early about 9:30 or so. 
   I prepped my stuff before I went to bed. I was going to use non-flavored Tailwind in my hydration pack, I had 3 gels, some fruit rollups and a UGO bar to put in my pack. I decided on my outfit and packed my backpack with everything I thought I would need.The next morning I got up very early (around 5:30), had breakfast and got my Vespa ready in my pack to take at 8 am. I ended up probably should have taken it at 9 but it was fine. I like Vespa. It seems whenever I take it before a big race I always feel my best. I poured my Tailwind in my hydration pack, checked it to make sure it was good to go and double checked my backpack. 
   My friend Craig got there around 7 and we drove to the finish line. You see the way Tecumseh works since it is a point to point course is that we go to the finish line to start and then take buses (which takes about an hour so you know how far we have to run!) to the start line and then run back to the cars. It had been on the weather report the day was going to be lovely so I had on my shorts, singlet, some arm sleeves, light gloves, my pack and wore my Brook Peregrine trail shoes which have seen me through many races and I love them! 
    We got to the start line and found some BARA friends and had a group picture although we were missing one friend, Miranda, who had some transportation trouble so she missed the photo but go there in time for the race which was good! We started out at 10am and I felt great. I was heart rate training it so I was just taking it easy...using it as a training run for my longer races coming up. I had to keep my heart rate below 140 so I had a really relaxed pace. I didn't have my Strava on because I wanted to save my phone battery (more on my phone later). I had to keep telling myself when all the runners ran by me to "run my own race", "look at the bigger fish" (I.e. my longer races coming up) and not to pay attention to anyone else. 
   I spent most of that race just enjoying myself. I took in the scenery, ate my gels when I felt I needed them but the Tailwind and Vespa had really taken care of my nutrition needs for the most part and the gels just felt like a pick-me-up when i felt i was tiring a bit. I smiled at every photographer...even holding my arms out wide for the guy at mile 12...and talked with some of the other runners. I started to pass some of the runners that had passed me awhile back. Perhaps some of them had started out too fast and gotten a bit tired but I kept my pace fairly regular. I couldn't be sure as I had no Garmin or Strava but feel like I was right on target by keeping my heart rate at it's prime number. 
   I was excited after mile 18 that i was soon going to pass the stop where my friend Rebecca was going to be. There is nothing like seeing a friend you haven't seen in awhile at a point in a race and I had missed her. Big hug for her and saw Evan was there too and Barry. I got a bit of very good beer and talked with them a few moments and I was off again. I found out at one point I had lost my phone somewhere in the leaves so that was a bit of a bummer but still couldn't get my mood down.
    I never really got terribly tired. I felt a bit achy by the end of it but that is to be expected after 6 hours of running up and down hills, jumping logs and crossing creeks. I ran into the finish line to be greeted by "There's Our Girl!" and all my friends lined up cheering for me. I felt like a superhero and felt so loved! 

Great Race! Great Day! Great Friends!

Shoes: Brooks Peregrine
Nutrition: Tailwind Nutrition and Vespa. 3 GU gels, one UGO bar and 2 fruit rollups. Some small snacking at aid stations.
Hydration: Salomon Hydration pack with 1 1/2 liters of water and one package non-flavored Tailwind. Some gatorade at aid stations.
Time: 6 hours
Weather: Warm, beautiful. 
Best point: Seeing my friends! 
Low Point: NONE