Wednesday, January 1, 2020

An actual honest-to-god run report

Back to the Trails
by Heather

Hey Everyone!! Remember when I had this  blog going regularly?? Well I have been taking a very long break from all things running due to health problems but feel I am doing better now and so today I decided to run a trail run instead of walk it.

Being honest here: I have not actually RUN in....oh...lets see.....7 months? maybe 8? Been doing more biking and walking. But I decided I have been feeling better so today I ran the trail run out at Fairfax.

You know what?? It went WELL. Better than even I expected. What an amazing feeling to once again be zooming downhill in the dirt and leaves and trees all around. What a high!

It shows that I have been short changing myself and not grasping how much better I am actually doing.

My Healthy Choices I am doing:

No alcohol
Substituting water or Le Croix for pop
Eating more fruit instead of cookies
Eating at work more which I work at a very healthy mediterranean restaurant so my meals:
         Quinoa and lentils; roasted veggies; salad; hummus and pita bread; falafel and tsaziki sauce; vegan chili or meatless soups.
Have lost 20 pounds since June

So maybe I was stuck thinking I couldn't do things even though here I had been getting healthier than I thought. Sometimes the mind can trick you.

I got done. And I won an entry into the Tecumseh Trail Marathon--a point to point trail race where we run from Morgan Monroe State Forest to Yellowwood State Forest. 26+ miles of lovely forests, lakes, peace and quiet---and so....I am doing it. I have run this race 4 times and every time it was great. Even the last time I ran it when i got stung twice by hornets at mile 2 and then ran the other 24 miles in the pouring rain. But I still finished happy and when people asked me how it was i would reply AWESOME. I guess I am kinda strange but that is just fine.

So here comes 2020 and it looks like this is my year to keep making healthy choices and start believing in myself more. And in October I will do what I can do out there on the lovely trails. Whether I walk more of it or what I will have a good time. I always do.