Hi Everybody! Long time no see! Well this quarantine business is something else isn't it? I have been keeping busy by getting out every day for a walk/run or bike ride. My usual fear of the buses is exaggerated enormously by my worry about the virus. It is too small a space and nowhere to distance. So if i do have to go somewhere I walk or ride there. I usually do that in the summer anyway.
I got a new camera so I have been taking some photos so I thought I would start up my running photo blog to share them with you and also some of my thoughts. Today I went for a walk down the rail trail with a friend. It was nice to walk in the shade as it is a pretty hot day today. Feels like summer!
I have started this month long virtual race. It is a 50k (31 miles) and it goes over a month's time. I feel I will be able to make that. Last month my numbers were 81 miles biking, 20 miles running 45 miles walking. Some of the walking and biking were commuting but I, like everyone else, have not been commuting quite as much. Like everyone I spend a lot of time now at home.
So here are some photos from my walk today. We walked down the rail trail so I saw a lot of flowers! The bottom one I am not sure what kind it is. Seems to be a cousin of the peony maybe?
flowers were so lovely. I wanted to capture how they covered
the side of the trail.
These white flowers reminded me of honeysuckle
Here are some more of the little bushy kinds of flowers. The purple ones I thought were like violets and the yellow ones like some kind of daisy. I am sure there are those of you out there right now going NO NO because you know what kind they are.
Any and all information you may have I will love to learn. I have not studied flowers and plants extensively but i know there are many gardeners out there who have a lot of knowledge.
We came to one of my favorite parts by rogers street as you cross it there is a horse farm. The horses are gorgeous. I had brought an apple and tossed it into the field.
A little further on we came across
a cat who had a sign saying he belonged at the farm. I thought it was so cute. He posed for us in front of his sign. He was
very friendly.
favorite parts. The church lane bridge.
This has been one of my favorite
bridges for a long time. I love
the rustic color and how
it looks against the green. I once was told by a geocaching app that there was a geocache there but i never found it. Maybe someone took it.
Last time I went on the trail
with my bike I discovered
they had gone and built a
lovely little paved path I
hadn't been on before! Today
I walked down it and it was so
lovely and green and shady.
Back to the bridge and then
my friend and I walked back
to the parking lot. It ended up being
five miles which was good. I had had
a goal of five miles walking so it
was great to hit my goal. And my friend and I had a lovely talk as we
This is a photo of a robin on some kind of rusted farm equipment off to the side of the trail. I could have taken a better photo but I had just missed a bright red cardinal.
So that was my walk today. I had a really nice time and got in my miles for the race. I have 10 miles now of walking/running this month.
It is good to have a goal. Perhaps soon I can get back to work. Until then I will keep walking/biking and running. As long as I stick to less busy areas and wear my mask if there are more people or I go inside (which i never do) it is good for mental, emotional and physical health to be outside doing something. Some fresh air is one of the best medicines.
I am going to try to keep this blog up now and hope to get some readers built up again. Now that i have a good camera there should be lots of nice pictures to share with all of you!